Thursday, November 12, 2015

During the month of November you are likely to be surrounded by colorful leaves of yellow, orange, and reds falling to the ground. November’s birthstone Citrine does a great job of capturing that warm Fall feeling. Here’s a few things you might not have known about November’s birthstone. 

Citrine is known as the "healing quartz". This golden gemstone is said to support vitality and health while encouraging hope, energy and warmth within the wearer.  If you’re feeling down or uninspired, apparently you should put on some Citrine. It is believed this gemstone promotes creativity, helps with your personal clarity and can also eliminate self-destructive tendencies. I’ll keep this in mind next time I’m in need of a little motivation. It is also said to prevent colds, and aid in tissue regeneration.

Another name for citrine is the ‘merchant stone.’ This is because it attracts prosperity and success. Some say that putting citrine into your cash register, pocket, or purse will not only attract wealth, but help one maintain it as well.

Citrine can be found in a variety of shades ranging from pastel yellow to dark brownish orange. It is one of the most affordable of gemstones and plentiful in nature. A gift of Citrine is symbolic for hope and strength. With is sunny brightness, this gemstone is ideal for helping anyone to get through the tough times in life!

If you’re looking for an anniversary gift after thirteen years of marriage, Citrine is the official gemstone for this celebration.  I’m sure all the wives out there would not complain by receiving any jewelry after so many years of marriage.

Citrine Jewelry for sale:  
Sumpters Jewelry For Sale

written by: Susan G
edited and designed by: Carolyn M

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